Robert Gauthier // Press

Robert Gauthier Design

Travelling businessman brings the world home

Carola Vyhnak, the Toronto Star

A Windsor, Ontario, resident has used materials obtained abroad, from terra-cotta tiles to cantera stone, to create a customized mansion along the “Golden Mile” stretch of the Detroit River.

Click here to read more on Robert's interior design

Horns of Plenty

By Karen Hall, the Windsor Star

It started with one piece 10 years ago, and Robert Gauthier wasn't even sure what it was. A steer horn? A deer antler? All Gauthier knew for sure was that he saw it in the store, the colour tones matched his living room, and he liked it. “And now,” he says, Robert Gauthier “I’m a junkie.”

Click here to read more on Robert's collection

Robert Gauthier created sanctuary in
T2B’s family room

By Karen Hall, the Windsor Star

For Robert Gauthier, it was one of the most important assignments of his life. Given the opportunity by Transition to Betterness to design the palliative care family room at Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital, he wanted to create a space that would be warm, inviting and soothing; a sanctuary for critically ill patients and their families.

Click here to read more about Robert's work at Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital